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The timberstuff story

We  are a married couple seeking a sustainable living making quality products to improve your enjoyment of life.

We started timberstuff because we're frequent campers and we're worried about the damage relating to the manufacture, use and waste lifecycle of plastics.  But all altruism aside, we also wanted to improve our pack out/pack up experience as well as our enjoyment when we're all set up at camping spot.

We designed our Stacka Pantry to be easy to pack out and pack up, and to make our camping experience that bit better because everything you need is at hand.

Our cupboards are hand made with external plywood so that when you're in the great outdoors you're surrounded by natural products that work great.


Our system is totally customizable to your requirements.  If you don't see exactly what you want, reach out to us and we'll try our level best to build what you want.

About us: Text
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